It's that time of the year again – Blue Monday. It’s often labelled as the most challenging day of the year. The excitement of the holidays has faded, and the long stretch of winter still lies ahead. It can feel like a recipe for low mood, colds & flu & Covid, feeling tired & unmotivated … UGH !
But this dreaded day can also be used as an opportunity to recommit to healthy habits.

Today can be a moment to refocus, rejuvenate and get our mojo on for the winter months. By taking some healthy, sustainable steps, we can transform this day into a catalyst for wellbeing and vitality.
Here are Ten Tips on how to reframe & reclaim Blue Monday.
Early morning sunlight
Don't forget vitamin D
Stay hydrated
Eat real food
Break up with sugar
Jump into Dry January
Commit to regular exercise
Prioritise sleep
Have you already dropped your New Year’s resolutions? Don’t worry - you can always recommit to healthy habits. Today (and every day) is a great day for that!
The key to a healthy habit is: making it SUSTAINABLE.
Diets and New Year’s resolutions typically don’t work – they’re just too hard to sustain. A better, more effect approach is to take small steps that can be sustained over time. It’s about incorporating them into our daily lives. Small steps can lead us somewhere great.
Looking for help in sustaining your healthy habits? Get in touch!
Which healthy habit(s) do you (re)commit to this winter?

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